Website audit for the beauty Industry: key criteria

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Site audit is analysis of the resource for compliance with the requirements of search engines for the implementation of subsequent search promotion, as well as an assessment of its ease of use and attractiveness to users. In this article we will talk about the basic aspects of site audit, which can be applied to beauty and cosmetic brands marketing.

As a rule, website audit includes:

  1. Technical audit.
  2. SEO audit.
  3. Usability audit
  4. Marketing audit.

Technical website audit

Technical audit allows you to identify errors associated with the operation of the hosting and program code of the site. The solution of technical problems is the foundation for the subsequent successful search advancement of the project. It usually consists of:

  • HTML and CSS markup errors
  • Correct encoding
  • 404 Not Found
  • Page loading speed

SEO website audit

Search or SEO audit is performed after a technical audit and is aimed at identifying and eliminating errors of internal optimization. SEO audit consists of:

  • Robots.txt setup
  • Using canonical URLs
  • Gluing domains with www or without
  • XML sitemap
  • Title and Descriptions Optimization
  • Alt and title tags
  • H1 – h6 tag optimization
  • Page nesting level
  • Internal and external links
  • Micromarking: and opengraph
  • Quality content
  • SSL certificate

Usability audit

Usability Audit allows you to detect problems that prevent the effective interaction of site users with published content and working functionality, and is aimed at increasing conversion. This stage consists of:

  • Adaptation for mobile devices
  • Conversion elements
  • Data entry fields
  • Site search
  • Contact and Feedback
  • Fonts
  • Colors
  • The layout of the page elements
  • Logo and favicon

The topic of user experience does not allow to give clear instructions and say how to do it correctly. The surest way is to experiment and test. We have gathered the main points that are worth paying attention to. Usability is always subjective and individual, there is no universal solution. Only numerous tests will help to make hair salon web design or any other website design close to the ideal.

Text content

  1. The uniqueness of the texts on the site – that would not write about it, but the texts must be unique. At least – most of the context on the site. If your content is copied another resource, then require that put a link to the source. In most cases, this is obtained to achieve. Rewriting articles that are copied from your site is not necessary. It is better to try to make your text PS indexed as quickly as possible, then more likely that it will become the original source.
  2. The usefulness of texts. In fact, it is difficult to measure, but if the text is uninteresting, even if it is in the TOP, the user will simply close the page and search further. And if there will be a lot of failures, it will also affect the position of the site in the issue.
  3. Spam. Search engines have long learned to identify re-optimized texts. Therefore, you should not abuse senseless phrases in the text that are needed only for the use of keywords.
  4. Literacy. Check the text for errors before posting. This will help make special services.
  5. Headings in the text. When optimizing texts, the main title should be enclosed in the H1 tag. Subheads are H2, H3, etc. In the headlines you can use keywords, but not in “spam” forms, like “buy a sofa Moscow”. Write headlines for people!
  6. Formatting text. Plain footcloth text – who is interested in reading? Break the text into semantic paragraphs, use lists, quotes, subtitles, make important points in italic or bold. But do not overdo it – everything should be in moderation, otherwise it will be detrimental.